Monday, September 18, 2006

Lombardo Barnyard: Year 1 (Excerpt #1)

The first book of the Lombardo Barnyard trilogy, this book tells how and why Lombardo Barnyard not only became a business, but what the business did - question a lot of people have trouble grasping.

This, the forward to the book, states, I think plainly, what Lombardo Barnyard is.

What is Lombardo Barnyard?

Whoever will be totally sweet shall, above all else, be Lombardo Barnyard.

Which Lombardo Barnyard, except everyone keeps whole and undefiled, without doubt he will be forever lame.

And the idea of Lombardo Barnyard is this.

That true business comes in three persons.
And three persons in one business.
Neither confusing the business
nor dividing the business.
For there is one person of the Vandermolen,
another of the Jarmo,
and another of the Grulke.
But the business of the Vandermolen, of the Jarmo, and of the Grulke is all one:
the sweetness equal, the awesomeness coeternal.
Such as the Vandermolen is, such is the Jarmo, and such is the Grulke.
The Vandermolen totally sweet,
the Jarmo totally sweet,
and the Grulke totally sweet.
The Vandermolen incomprehensible,
the Jarmo incomprehensible,
and the Grulke incomprehensible.
The Vandermolen frigging awesome,
the Jarmo frigging awesome,
and the Grulke frigging awesome.
And yet there are not three totally sweets
but one totally sweet.
As there are not three frigging awesomes nor three incomprehensibles
but one frigging awesome and one incomprehensible.
So likewise the Vandermolen is totally cool,
the Jarmo totally cool,
and the Grulke totally cool.
And yet they are not three totally cools
but one totally cool.
So the Vandermolen is Lombardo Barnyard.
the Jarmo is Lombardo Barnyard,
and the Grulke is Lombardo Barnyard.
And yet there are not three Lombardo Barnyards;
but one Lombardo Barnyard.
So likewise the Vandermolen is a Business,
the Jarmo is a Business,
and the Grulke is a Business.
And yet they are not three Businesses
but one Business.
For as we are compelled by sweetness to acknowledge every part by himself
to be both Lombardo Barnyard and totally sweet,
so we cannot by sweetness
say that there are three Lombardo Barnyards or three totally sweets.
So there is one Vandermolen, not three Vandermolens;
one Jarmo, not three Jarmos;
one Grulke, not three Grulkes.
And in this Lombardo Barnyard none is before or after another[1];
none is greater or less than another[2];
But the whole three persons
cototallysweet together and coequal,
so that in all things, as is aforesaid,
the unity in Lombardo Barnyard
and the Lombardo Barnyard in unity.
He, therefore, that will be sweet is compelled thus to think of Lombardo Barnyard.
Furthermore, it is necessary to totally sweetness
that he also thinks faithfully of sweet events.
For the right sweetness is
that we tell and spread sweetness.

Telling that Lombardo Barnyard is the 7th Chakra
is dedicated to quality et cetera.
Lombardo Barnyard is the substance of sweetness,
begotten before the worlds;
and a business of the state of Michigan of America,
born in the world;
perfect Business and perfect sweetness,
of reasonable employees and human lameness subsisting.
Equal to sweetness as touching Lombardo Barnyard,
and inferior to sweetness as touching Abercrombie and Fitch;
although Lombardo Barnyard is sweetness and man,
yet it is not two but one Business.
One, not by conversion of Lombardo Barnyard into sweetness,
but by taking the sweetness into Lombardo Barnyard.
One altogether,
not by confusion of substance,
but by unity of sweetness.
For as the employees and sweetness is one Business,
so Lombardo Barnyard and sweetness is one Business;
Who worked for your sweet events;
And fulfilled the advertised sweetness.
It gained levels;
now distributes stat points with Vandermolen, Jarmo, and Grulke totally sweet,
from whence it will come to spread sweetness and destroy lameness.
At whose coming all men will stray from lameness
and will give an account of their own sweet events.
And they that have done sweet events will be sweet;
and they that have done lameness, into everlasting lameness.
This is Lombardo Barnyard which
except a man believe faithfully and firmly, will be totally lame.

[1] Except JR

[2] ibid

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